Page/Knight of Air (Swords)
The Page/Knight of Air (Swords) is responsible for everything related to memories, associations, labeling and so on. Problem-solving, or making decisions, are not related to the functioning of Air (Swords), but in many cases, he will try to solve problems and make decisions. This is the wrong task for a Page/Knight Air (Swords). Basically, a Page/Knight of Air (Swords) is supposed to function as a knowledge bank, or a database, and no more than that, he is not supposed to make decisions. He frequently uses ready expressions, slang, slogans, and clichés.
A Page/Knight of Air (Swords) manages all the knowledge he acquires throughout his life. He likes to memorize many pieces of information in his possession and in many cases it can be said that he is a walking encyclopedia. A Page/Knight of Air (Swords) collects and embraces opinions on almost every subject, which he has heard from other people or has met in books and newspapers.
A Page/Knight of Air (Swords) can withdraw some knowledge from his own reservoir, but the use of this knowledge is mechanical; there is no real thinking or understanding of the knowledge here. One of the functions attributed to the Page/Knight of Air (Swords) is formatory thinking, which is patterned thinking. This “thinking” is insufficient and operates in the form of affirmation and negation – what is not white is black. This “thinking” does not distinguish all the gray shades that exist between white and black. Another example of patterned thinking is if someone thinks like me, he is right. If he thinks differently, he is wrong.
The Page/Knight of Air consistently equates obtained data to data that already exists in his bank. He acts and responds to external stimuli. A conversation with another person or reading can be a stimulus. That is, external information, and the Page/Knight of Air responds to it immediately, compares the new data with the existing database, and answers himself by expressing his “opinion” on the subject.
He can react to stimuli in different ways; one of his favorite forms is the formation of associations. This is also the case when a topic will lead to a different subject, again and again, until it becomes unclear how it surfaced and reached the last topic of the conversation. Associative thinking can occur, because like all the lower levels in all the centers, so too the Page/Knight of Air operates automatically without any attention.
Another thing that suits the Page/Knight of Air is an “opposite” reaction to other people’s words. If someone says that today is a beautiful day, the Page/Knight of Air will react to it: “That is not the case, and yesterday it was much more beautiful.” Simply put, if someone says “yes,” the Page/Knight of Air’ response will be “no”.
A person whose center of gravity is located in the Page/Knight of Air is considered by other people to be very intelligent because he will always have a ready-made opinion, he can always quote from sources and always learn to extract a piece of information on every subject.
He automatically reads almost anything. It can be a caption on a sign that he caught at the corner of his eye or ingredients of a food product. He has no problem reading an entire newspaper from beginning to end every morning. He does not necessarily gets excited by or enjoys consuming information, it just occurs mechanically/automatically and is not related to wisdom, intelligence or understanding of the material. He simply stores knowledge, so he will have no problem reading everything and on any topic. He has a tendency to see things as black or white, and he will usually be considered a calm, unenthusiastic person. He is not a person who will deal with the creation of new ideas and theories, but he will collect these ideas and theories, and sometimes even try to compare them and perhaps even to connect them superficially. He will respond to questions automatically, without giving them any thought, and he also asks questions without “thinking” at all. Sometimes these questions are completely casual.